Setup your own SEO Unit with us:

It can prove to be a Herculean task to recruit and deploy a productive workforce. It might also sound like “Too good to be true” that we can actually provide you ready manpower in the form of a team of SEO experts who will successfully deliver 8 man hours of work everyday. You have a choice as to what kind of assignment you want these SEO experts to work upon.

How it works?
Many of our clients/business associates have already set up their Outsourcing unit with us. Such set-up includes a dedicated professional team of Project Manager/ SEO Analyst, SEO specialists and a Delivery Manager. Each individual has to/will work for 8 hours per day from Monday to Friday, a total of 160 man hrs every month for an affordable price and you have the option as to what kind of SEO services, like link building, PPC, SMO, SMM etc you want our experts to work on.

The cost of such setup differs as it’s based on the experience level of candidates which you select in your setup team to work. On a monthly basis we will raise the invoice for the number of professionals you have hired in your development team. This entire team is dedicated to work only on your projects and to engage them with the project(s) would be your responsibility.

Benefits of setting up an outsourcing unit with us:

  • No hassle of recruiting or managing the workforce.
  • The decision is in your hands as to what kind of work you wish to allocate to the resources deployed by us.
  • We can provide manpower customized according to the SEO assignment you have in hand.
  • Work delivered under expert supervision to ensure it flawless and on time.

To set up such hassle free SEO Services unit with us, please contact us.

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