What is Bounce Rate and How Does It Affect Your Business?

In the context of internet marketing, Bounce Rate is used to define the occurrence of a visitor who visits your site, views a page and instantly leaves without showing any further interest. More precisely, bounce rate is the number of visits with only one-page view divided by the total number of visits to your site. It can also be referred to as the average number of visitors who are not showing interest to your site out of the total number of visitors to your site. It is clear that a high bounce rate implies negative…



Top 20 Local SEO Tips to Boost Your Local Search Rankings in 2017

SEO is ever changing. And so are the SEO strategies! As far as local SEO is concerned, it is more important to optimize your on-site and off-site SEO strategies for clients as well as prospective customers. Due to the amplified intensity of the local competition, you need to make sure that you’re on top of your rankings. Here is a list of local SEO tips to help you augment the local search rankings for your business this year: Go for Generic and Hyper Local Citations A citation is listed on another website. It includes…



Benefits of Using PHP YII Framework

YII is an open source web application development frame work written in php5 that comes absolutely free. It is the best possible choice for any kind of projects as it is optimized for a high level of performance. It gives legit performance as compared to the other PHP-based frameworks. It is the fastest PHP frame work that is optimized for creating large scale Web2.0 applications. It is versatile and can be used in developing any kind of web applications. As far as heavy traffic web applications are concerned, YII is…



Top On-Page SEO Mistakes and How to Fix Them

It is essential for you to optimize your website for your visitors. Optimization certainly heightens your chances of ranking well in search engine results. It is commonly referred to as your organic search performance. There are various factors and SEO tactics to guarantee top rankings. You need to research more on the various aspects of your website that can be customized to satisfy your prospective customers as well as the web crawlers! However, first and foremost, you need to have knowledge about the common on…



How To Make Your WordPress Website SEO Friendly?

Every one wants their website to be optimized for conversions. Putting it into a more decent phrase, you all want your WordPress websites to be “SEO friendly”. First and foremost, the quality of your content is to be stressed upon. Your focus should be on making your content more appealing, accessible and functional. Here are some basic things your website should aim for: 1)Gaining the trust of targeted audience 2)Retaining this trust in the people 3)Eliciting desired reaction from people after they go through your…
